Henk's New Place 3.0

. . . The ICT-Place to Be . . .


 nano [file]  Nano-editor.  



 e2label   Disk-label aanbrengen. (bijv.: "e2label /sdf/sdf3 sdf3")  
 lsblk  Complete Disc-information. (zonder "root"-account of "sudo"-toegang te gebruiken)  
 lsblk -f  Complete Disc-information. uitgebreid nu met "Universele unieke identificatie ( UUID )"   
 ntfslabel  Labelhernoem actie op partities in NTFS. (zie ook deze link) - Login: "root"  
 tune2fs –L  Labelhernoem actie op partities in ext2, ext3 en ext4. (zie ook deze link) - Login: "root"  


General Syntaxis: "cd" (change directory)

 cd [directory]  Change directory.  
 cd /[directory]  Change directory to root.  
 cd ..  Change to parent-directory  

Bash Commands to Manage Directories and Files

General Syntaxis: "dir [OPTION]... [FILE]..."

 dir  The output produced is alphabetically-sorted.  
 dir -a  The output produced is alphabetically-sorted, inclusive hidden files.  
 dir -A  The output produced is alphabetically-sorted, inclusive hidden files without "." and "..".  
 dir -F  The output produced: "/" means Directory, "" means Files.  
 dir -l  The output produced in detail.  
 dir --group-directories-first  Directory first output.  
 dir -h  Output produced in human-readable form.  
 dir -r  Dir display reverse sorted output.  
 dir -R    
 dir -S    


Grafische Desktop: (Mint, "Tara")

 Timeshift  Backups maken/terugzetten.. "rsync" 


Update/Upgrade Linux:

apt-get update First, you use the update option to resynchronize the package index files from their sources on Ubuntu Linux via the Internet.  
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 0E98404D386FA1D9

Fix apt-get update “the following signatures couldn’t be verified because the public key is not available” (EVENTUEEL)  
apt-get upgrade Second, you use the upgrade option to install the newest versions of all packages currently installed on the Ubuntu system. In other words, get security updates for your machine.  
sudo apt-get install package-name Install is followed by one or more packages desired for installation. If package is already installed it will try to update to latest version.  



Linux dir command for beginners. (10 examples)


Een overzicht van de belangrijkste Linux-commando’s. (bron: Strato)